Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Indonesia unique cultures,

Lenong is traditional Betawi people performing arts theater. Lenong derived from the name of a Chinese merchant named Lien Ong, it is said, formerly Lien Ong was the one who used to call and hold a theatrical show which is now called Lenong to entertain the public and especially himself and his family.

In olden times (colonial), lenong usually played by the community as a token of appreciation of opposition to the tyranny of the invaders.
Lenong essentially divided into two categories, namely; Lenong preman and Lenong Denes.

Lenong Preman : the theatrical performances that contain folklore / lives of indigenous people against the occupation, by bringing forward the main characters 'Jago' is often characterized by firm and hard. Places persilatan (fighting) a mainstay performances. style of language used was inclined rough, like the 'elu-gue, bangsat, etc'. Lenong Preman assumed story based community perspective to the lower-middle ancient times. displayed in place of ordinary people gather, such as markets. Stage performances of 'stage arena', which only repose grass / mat, with a torch lighting / light oil and is surrounded by spectators who sit together resembles a horseshoe. example Lenong Preman : The Story Pitung, Abang Jampang, Wak Item, etc..
Lenong Denes (official): that is the theater that contains stories about the dynamics of the current government was held by the invaders. however, that carried stories about the resistance remained colonized society. Style of language used tends to smooth, like me, you, sir, and so on. Denes Lenong assumed based on the upper middle class perspective. Stage performances: as usual Lenong Denes held in a place of government, it tends to be more exclusive than lenong preman, that is using the stage and completeness of the show at that time. example: 1001 nights story, etc..

Indonesia unique cultures,

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