Monday, November 14, 2011

Mad Bamboo Ritual - Maluku

Indonesia Unique Cultures

Mad Bamboo. Also called by the name of Mad or Bara Suwen Tubes. For the traditional rituals of Maluku, the required seven players man.
Before the game starts, players will first provide a bamboo suanggi with about 2.5 m long and eight centimeters in diameter. Then cut into seven segments that each segment will be embraced by a player. Besides bamboo, other equipment that needs to be provided is the incense or ginger. Incense is used when performing a big crazy bamboo, while ginger is used to show a little crazy bamboo.
However, in addition to seven male players, in the event there is also a ritual in which the handler is the handler's job was to burn incense on top of coconut shell while reciting mantras. Spell the spoken language, you would not understand because the mantra is spoken in the language of the Land, one of the traditional languages ​​of Maluku.

Incense smoke emerging from the shell used to stain the bamboo to be used. If using ginger, ginger cut to seven parts and then chewed by the handler as he read the spell and then sprayed into the bamboo. The function of both ingredients, to summon the spirits of the ancestors to give magical powers to the bamboo. Done gave a spell, the handler said the word crazy, crazy, crazy. Then, the dancers move swiftly follow the movement of mad bamboo. In fact, the player's body will be swayed even drop the wake because the crazy bamboo wild motion.

Indonesia Unique Cultures

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