Monday, November 14, 2011

unique ritual passed rainy down with ojug

Indonesia Unique Cultures

There are different during the dry season arrives in the village of Klaban Bondowoso, East Java. Every dry season arrives, the village held a tradition that has been done from generation to generation to invoke rain. Tradition is tradition Ojug.

Ojug tradition that is a ritual to ask the rain is indeed a tradition that has long been done by the local community. This ritual begins with the Ancient Mask and dance performances Rontek Wulung Singo. Both of these dances is the opening of Ojug tradition.

Derived from local folklore, dance masks and Rontek Singo Kuna Wulung persuaded to tell people about Zinc. Zinc itself is believed to be persuaded law expert who runs the government's job. Zinc persuaded himself always assisted by loyal Jasiman and her students in performing their duties. In performing their duties, Zinc also has a friend persuaded a lion who always helped in ousting the invaders.

The ritual continued in conjuction with various food offerings at the spring while burning incense, led by elder residents around. After that followed a meal together at the edge of the river that begins with a prayer asking to be saved from danger during the dry season.

Ojug tradition peak is located at the match race with a rattan o'clock. Participants attractions are usually adult males ranging from 17 years. Is like a game, this attraction is also led by a referee.

The game started with a prod rattan from each player. In this attraction, each player wear protective gear made from burlap sacks in the body and head. But despite wearing protective, still feels a burning sensation in your body when rattan terpecut players.

Although a bit dangerous, this tradition has carried down through generations. Apart intends to invoke rain and soon the end of the dry season, this tradition is also regarded as a ritual refused reinforcements in Klabangan villagers. Aside from being a ritual full of cultural values. This tradition also as a tourism asset of Bondowoso which is also the cultural richness and diversity of Indonesia.

Indonesia Unique Cultures

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