Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Upacara Baayun Mulud (Baayun Mulud Ceremony)

Indonesia unique cultures.
One tradition Banjar society carried out during the busy month of birth of the Prophet Muhammad is the tradition baayun Mulud ceremony. Baayun origin he says of the 'swing', so it can be translated freely 'do the swing / cradle'. Babies who are willing to put to sleep normally will be rocked by his mother, these swings give the impression of hovering for the baby so he can sleep soundly. Origin of the word 'Mulud' of the community as to the events Maulud Prophet.

This ceremony is performed in the mosque, the mosque in the middle of the room made a swing that stretched on poles mosque. The swing is made there are three layers, the top layer of fabric used sarigading (sasirangan), the middle layer of yellow cloth (calico fabrics that are colored yellow from turmeric extract), and the bottom layer of fabric wear bahalai (long cloth without seam connection).

On the rope swing adorned with leaf-shaped woven artificial bird, snake-hose, katupat bangsur, halilipan, Kambang Sarai, chains, ornaments using fruits or traditional cakes such as bowsprit, rings, bracelets cake, banana, coconut, and others.

To every child of parents who engage in this ceremony should submit piduduk, which is a rice sasanggan containing approximately three and a half liters, the grain of brown sugar, coconut grain, grain of chicken eggs, yarn, needles, a lump of salt, and silver coins. Piduduk this is not meant to be eaten later idolatrous but rollicking by the people present. Baayun Mulud ceremony has been an annual ceremony is always held together by the Banjar.

Participants baayun Mulud is not limited to infants who are in the village that implement it, but it is okay to participants from other villages come to enliven. Even today there are still people who are old baayun participate because they felt as a child did not get to join the ceremony baayun Mulud. The ceremony will be recited various poems, such poems litany, anam syarafal poems, and poems diba'i. Children who want to swing will be taken when starting reading asyarakal, the child is directly inserted into the swing that has been provided.

When reading asyarakal voiced, the child in the cradle rocked slowly by pulling a scarf tied in the swing. The purpose rocked at the time was to take the blessings of the glory of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, parents who attended hoping that rocked the child becomes an obedient people, have fear of Allah and His Messenger.

Baayun Mulud ceremony held in the morning starting at 10.00, more afdhol if implemented to coincide with the 12th Rabiul Awal. For parents who have the opportunity to engage their children in this ceremony will feel very happy and lucky.

The tradition is carried in bulk as a reflection of gratitude to Allah SWT for an abundance of grace and the gift of the birth of Prophet Muhammad who brought mercy to the universe, this ceremony to welcome diibiratkan form of praise uttered in melodious verses.

Indonesia unique cultures.

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