Tuesday, October 25, 2011

the myth of Pesugihan Gunung kawi (shortcut to be rich)

Indonesia unique cultures,
While many people are preoccupied with economic difficulties, sometimes all the way including the ritual use pesugihan.
Some are making money with internet business, but because it does not sedahsyat pesugihan the premises for lazy people ultimately prefer pesugihan. Myth pesugihan Gunung Kawi is known as the place to look for wealth (pesugihan).
That said, any person perform the ritual with a sense of resignation and high expectations will be granted his request, especially regarding property issues. Myths surrounding the Gunung Kawi pesugihan was believed by many people, especially by those who have felt the "blessing" a pilgrimage to Mount Kawi. However, for the rationalist-positivist, it is a figment.
Usually the surge of visitors who perform rituals occurred on Friday Legi (Grandmother's funeral today Jugo) and the 12th month of Suro (commemorating the death of Grandmother Sujo). The ritual is done by placing offerings, burning incense, and meditate for hours, days, even up to many months.

Inside the tomb building, visitors must not think of anything that is not good and advised to take a shower wash before praying at the tomb. This symbol indicates that the visitors should be holy and unseen before praying.

Besides pesarean as the main focus of the visitors goal, there are other places to visit for 'sacred' and is believed to have magical powers to mendatangakan luck, among others:

1. Grandmother's house Padepokan Sujo

The house was originally authorized to padepokan closest followers Sujo Grandmother named Ki Maridun. In this place there are various sacred relics belonging Eyang Sujo, among others, pillows and bolsters are made from palm tree trunks, as well as spear Diponegoro wartime heritage.

2. Ancient Vases

Two jars of ancient relics Jugo Grandmother. In earlier times this ancient jars used for storing holy water for treatment. Communities are often called by the name 'janjam'. This ancient urn is now placed on the left side pesarean. Society believes that by drinking water from this jar would make a person youthful.

3. Tree Dewandaru
In pesarean area, there are trees that are considered to bring good luck. This tree is called dewandaru tree, the tree of patience. Tree that includes this type of cereme Netherlands by the Chinese referred to as shian-to or a tree god. Grandmother and Grandmother Sujo Jugo plant this tree as a symbol of this area is safe.

To get a 'symbol of wealth intermediaries', the pilgrims waited for branches, fruit and leaves fall from trees. Once there is a fall, they immediately scramble. To use it as a mascot, usually leaf was wrapped in a piece of money and then deposited into the wallet.

However, to get the leaves and fruit of patience is required dewandaru. The count is not just, hours, could be days, even months. If their expectations come true, the pilgrims will come again to this place for Thanksgiving.

Who actually Jugo Grandmother and Grandmother Sujo?

Who is buried in one grave at Mount Kawi pesarean this? According Soeryowidagdo (1989), Grandmother Jugo or Kyai Zakaria II and Grandmother Sujo or Raden Mas Sudjono Faith is the nearest Bhayangkara Diponegoro. In 1830 when the struggle of the Company divided by the finesse, and Prince Diponegoro caught later exiled to Makassar, Grandmother and Grandmother Sujo Jugo retired to this area of ​​Gunung Kawi.
Since then they both are no longer struggling with taking up arms, but the struggle to change through education. Both former army Bhayangkara Diponegoro, in addition to preaching the religion of Islam and Javanese moral teachings, it also teaches how to grow crops, treatment, though kanuragan and other skills useful for the local population. Actions and their work is greatly appreciated by residents in the area, so many people from the district of Malang and Blitar came to their hermitage to be a disciple or follower.

After Jugo Grandmother died in 1871, and followed Grandmother Faith Sujo 1876, the disciples and followers remain in his honor. Each year, the descendants, and followers of other pilgrims also come to the tomb of their conduct warning. Every Friday night Legi, Jugo Eyang eninggalnya night, and also warning the death of Grandmother Sujo ach date 1 month of Suro (sacred), in this place has always held a grand erayaan tahlil and other ritual ceremonies. The ceremony is led by caretaker iasanya tomb which is still the descendants of Grandmother Sujo.

There are no special requirements for the pilgrimage to this place, just bring flowers offerings, and insert the money voluntarily. But the pilgrims believe, the more spending money or offerings, the more blessings that will be obtained. To enter the shrine, the pilgrims going to act like the king, they walk with knees.

Until today pesarean has been much visited by various groups from different walks of life. They not only come from the area of ​​Malang, Surabaya, or other areas adjacent to the site pesarean, but also from various parts of the country. Heterogeneity visitors like this figure indicates that these two characters is a charismatic and populist leader.

But on the other hand, the motives of the visitors who come to this pesarean also very diverse as well. There are just a tour, blessings from the ancestors, conducting scientific research, and the most common is a pilgrimage visit to pray for wishes granted quickly.

Indonesia unique cultures, :)

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