Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tana toraja

 Indonesia unique cultures,

One of the cultural heritage owned by Indonesia and is very well known abroad is up to Tana Toraja. Tana Toraja has a funeral rite that is considered the most complicated in the world. Funeral with signs that called Solo. Signs Solo is a traditional funeral ceremony which obliges the family of the deceased made ​​a party as a sign of their last respects to the deceased who have gone.

Which makes complicated is that the ceremony signs Solo has a number of levels, depending on the social literature of the deceased and his family. The most interesting is when the last stage of Solo Signs ceremony where the bodies were taken to a special bank for the funeral.

Usually the body is accompanied by self-late sculpture symbolizes drawing called by the name of Tau-tau. What is surprising is stored ditebing corpse was just put away and miraculously never smelled the stench emanating.

Indonesia unique cultures

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