Monday, November 7, 2011

Indonesia unique cultures,

Rhythm really cool too cheerful. Make the body want to keep moving his unique melodic accompaniment. Not too difficult to learn and is one of the distinctive culture of our nation, Indonesia. Yes, especially if not the poco-poco dance!

Friend, in the edition of this World Heritage Archipelago, Indonesia Achievement team will be presenting interesting stories about the poco-poco dance. Hope u all can enjoy it! Expect this short post can add little to our knowledge about the cultural repertoire of their own country.

Because A Girl
Not unexpectedly, poco-poco dance has a history that is quite unique. It all stemmed from a banquet! At that time, an artist named Arie Ambon Ternate bloody Sapulette enamored of a girl who was brought dance tradition Yospan, Papua, and Wayase, Ambon. Instinctively he made a song from the melodic drum that accompanies the dance girl ..

In ambonesse language:

Balenggang patapata,
Ngana pe goyang… pica-pica,
Ngana pe bodi… poco-poco,
Cuma ngana yang kita cinta
Cuma ngana yang kita sayang
Cuma ngana suka bikin pusing
in indonesian language :

Jalannya berlenggang,
Goyangan badanmu… lincah,
Tubuhmu yang berisi dan lincah
Hanya kamu yang kucinta
Hanya kamu yang kusayang
Hanya kamu suka buat aku pusing
ikn english :

Wiggle his way,
Shake your body ... agile,
Your body contains and agile
Only you the beloved
Only you dearest
Just like you make me dizzy ...)

Thus, Arie is very enamored with the agility of a dancing girl, so get out the word poco-poco! And since then, dance with unison melody sung drum like the girl called poco-poco dance.
After Arie moved to Jakarta in 1995, he composed the song became popular throughout Indonesia and sung by famous singers, Yopie Latul. Poco-poco dance itself new popular around 2001.

Indonesia unique cultures.

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