Friday, November 11, 2011

Mappacci by Indigenous Buginese Bone

Indonesia unique cultures.

Mappacci traditional ceremony held at the time tudampenni, ahead of a ceremony / consent granted following day. Mappacci ceremony is one of the Bugis ceremonies in its implementation using henna leaves (Lawsania alba), or Pacci. Prior to this activity is carried out usually done first with mappanré temme (khatam Al-Quran) and barazanji. Pacci leaf is associated with a makananya paccing word is cleanliness and purity. Thus the implementation of hygiene mappacci implies purity of body and soul. As stated in the Bugis language expression which says that:
Mappacci iyanaritu gau 'ripakkéonroi nallari ade', mancaji gau 'mabbiasa, tampu' sennu-sennuang, nia ri 'akkatta madécéng mammuaréi naiyya nalétéi pammasé gods Séuwaé

The sequence and procedure mappacci are as follows:
Before the event begins mappacci, usually done padduppa (pickup) bride. Prospective brides are welcome by the Protocol or family spokesman:
Patarakkai mai tudangeng belo
Naripatudang Siapi siata
Taue silélé uttu patudangeng
Padattudang mappacci siléo-leo
Riwenni tudang mpenni kuaritu
Paccingi vain datu tudangeng belo
Ripatajang mai bottinngngé
Naripattéru cokkong ri lamming lakko Ulaweng
This expression means:
Prospective brides are welcome to the aisle. Aisle on the side of the companion. Sitting next to each other. They sat at night revelers tudampenni, mappacci to the king / queen nan beautiful bride. Lead and guide the king / queen of the aisle are studded with gold.

In the exercise equipment all of which prepared mappacci connote symbolic meanings such as:
• A pillow or pengalas head is placed in front of the bride and groom, who has a sense of respect or dignity, glory in Bugis language means mappakalebbi.
• Silk Sarong 7 pieces composed in the pillow which implies self-esteem.
• Above bnatal placed banana leaf that represents a continuous and sustainable life.
• Above the banana leaf is placed too jackfruit leaves as many as 7 or 9 sheets as permakna ménasa or expectations.
• A plate containing a roasted wenno ie until fluffy rice as a symbol of well-developed in accordance with the meaning of the language Bugisnya (mpenno rialéi).
• Tai children, Patti or meaningful as the candle lights torches, also be interpreted as a symbol of the life of a bee who always get along and not interfere with each other.
• Leaves a boyfriend or pacci as a symbol of cleanliness and purity. Use of this pacci indicates that the prospective bride was clean and pure in heart for taking ceremony the next day and the next life as a husband and wife until his death. Daunpacar or that have been mashed pacci is stored in the container bekkeng as permaknaan soul of unity or harmony in family life and community life.


People who are asked to put on the bride pacci usually are the ones who have good social standing and have a life of a happy home life. All this implies that the prospective bride and groom later in life can live happily as they are put pacci on top of hers.
The number of people who put pacci into the hands of the bride is usually tailored to the social stratification of the prospective bride and groom themselves. For the highest nobility in number 2 x 9 persons or in terms of Bugis "duakkaséra". For middle-class aristocracy as much as 2 x 7 people or "duappitu". As for the classes below it can be 1 or 1 x 9 x 7 people.

How to give to prospective brides pacci are as follows:

Taken pacci little leaf that has been refined (has formed rounded so practical), then put the leaves and rubbed into the hands of the prospective bride. First to your right hand, then left palm, then accompanied with prayers hopefully someday bride can live happily. Then the person who has given pacci handed cigarettes as homage. Previously treated to betel which has been folded along with everything in it. But because it is now rare people who eat betel then replaced with a cigarette.

Once a indo-time 'botting wenno scatter to prospective memepelai or those who put daunpacar can also scatter wenno was accompanied with prayer. Usually the ceremony is preceded by the reading of the litany mappacci as expressions of gratitude to Allah SWT and to Nabiyullah praise for the blessings of Islam Muhammad.
After all finished laying to the palms pacci bride then guests were treated to a traditional cakes are placed in bosara.

Indonesia unique cultures.

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