Monday, November 7, 2011

Tradition "Nanaku"

Indonesia unique cultures,

There is a uniqueness of almost the entire people of Maluku are still using this tradition to this day. Maybe for others who want to know about this tradition, I can give a few examples of the many forms, as a younger generation of Maluku which provides its own appreciation of tradition tatua (previous generation).

Tradition "Nanaku" (mark) I mean, are signs, or a feeling that is marked in connection with an incident that has, temporarily, and even that will happen later. And the outer venom, foreboding sign or included in the category of tradition Nanaku have an accurate level of accuracy (because a lot of experience who has proven that in the reality of life in general Maluku), and loci then I see here, a lot going on in the tradition Nanaku the Lease and the island of Ambon.

1. Nanaku Chicken in Front Door Kukuruku
When a rooster kukuruku (crow) at the door (at the front door / porch), is a sign for the owner of the house, that in the near future there will be a guest (relatives in the land of shoreline / foreigners) who will visit at his house. And this remains the quality of this sign is believed by most people of the Moluccas (Lease and located on the island of Ambon).
Same with Chicken kukuruku, similar to reality in Nanaku also in another form. Like a butterfly which deliberately perched on their porch window curtains, or in the family room, marked enough and gave the sense that in the near future there is room (could be a close family member / or other people) who will visit in their home .

2. Grasshoppers Nanaku Anusang
If a grasshopper Anusang (the green plain), which happens to perch on living room wall, or on the kitchen wall, etc., meant that in the near future, there will be a blessing or a fortune that will be owned by the family. In a material form or also in other forms.
The same reality, the mark (in nanaku) through the palm of the hand that suddenly itching. That sign is a signal that the person will get the money, or fortune.
But there are few classifications, depending on each person who marked it, for example, if the left palm is itchy, then it is a sign of getting money or fortune. While the right palm is itchy, it will be spending a lot of money from his pocket, or vice versa depending on each person who often mark.

3. Eye Nanaku Bagara
When bagara eyes (the eyes move / smth) for the Moluccas (the Lease and the island of Ambon) is characterized in two different sides. Depending on each person who marked it. Suppose that bagara left eye, it is marked as an event of sorrow that will be found in the near future with his relatives.
In contrast to the right eye, on the mark as the opposite situation, namely the happy events associated with their relatives.

4. Pake Payong Nanaku Month
Nanaku months pake Payong (bright moonlight at night, with light biasan like a circle that surrounds the month), on the mark as the country / village one wants to hold marriage in the near future.
And according to the prevailing tradition in the concept of thinking of the Lease or the people on the island of Ambon, "eloped" (a type of traditional marriage in the Moluccas) is always characterized by phenomena such Payong pake moon.

5. Cloud Nanaku Basisik
If at night during the day and at night, it looks scaly clouds form in the mark that there will be "dead fish" (a term that describes a phenomenon of the harvest / catch fish on a particular type: eg tuna (skipjack) Anchovy (Make), etc..) in the near future.

6. Lizard Nanaku Kete-kete
If a serious conversation that took place in meetings / meetings or a family so forth, and the sound of a lizard on the wall bercuat (kete-kete), in interpret from the audience involved in the deliberations, that what is in the talking / or delivered by one, and by chance the lizard kete-kete together with the contents of the message or information, is a truth.
For that after the lizard kete-kete, then the whole person in the room will spontaneously mengentuk his finger on the table, or seats that are near their seats. this as a sign to respond to the truth of the news, messages, or information.

Indonesia unique cultures.

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