Sunday, November 13, 2011

cuting fingers

Indonesia Unique Cultures

When other women were busy hauling hot rock with a wooden bar that is cleaved, nousa (old lady) it seemed quiet. SHe was really eager to take part in this party, but it was no longer possible for her to raise a lot of things. Her hands were deformed, almost all of her fingers missing. If it is not a slice left thumb on both hands, then maybe a lot of people think it is not a pair of human hands.

Nousa fingers is a long history that tells the lonely of losing. About loved ones who left, leaving the nousa's own.

Defective hand it was something intentional. Called ikipalin (custom cut fingers), if there is someone you love die, then cut your finger one or two seeds. It represents a deep sorrow. The pain left to go until the proverbial tip of the finger. Instead of continuous pain, then it better be removed, cut with stone axes that are not too sharp, but can make the broken finger squeezed when hit

I can not imagine the pain. If at mid-century, in Europe people have developed the guillotine (the tool head cut off) to minimize pain. Dani then that's great, that to this day have no meaningful evolution to mere means of cutting a finger.

The blood that flowed from the severed finger bandaged with leaves that have previously been smeared with traditional ingredients. Eliminating pain is also the risk of infection and ulcers if left open.

A realist painting in the lobby of the hotel Baliem Pilamo presupposes this very interesting process. Painting in the Biblical creation story of the famous redrawn. Appeared two hands belongs to Adam and God are united, as a symbol of Nokia's connecting people. It's just that Adam lost finger cut off and bandaged with leaves and skin of rattan. This is a mop, a joke typical of Papua.

"Two fingers are missing because my brother died in the war," said Nousa pointing finger and pinky. "If I cut off two of these because my husband died, I was so sad," she continued showing her index and middle finger.

This terrible tradition it is working for thousands of years. Could be a future when archaeologists found many fingers without hands beneath a layer of soil Wamena. Evidence Dani civilization once lived on it. I think, with the large number of tribal wars that occurred during this, certainly a lot of mothers and wives who cut finger.

I shuddered, suddenly remembering claw soup diet is a very tasty sauce of cloves if eaten at night.

But actually this is just one finger cut alternatives in mourning. In the tradition of the Dani, a lot of ways that can be shown to express grief. Another way is to cut the ears, more terrible not.

I see it while trekking in Kurima, a church commu Hulesi seen not to have two ear lobe. According to his testimony, it is a form of condolences to his son who died first. Actually this is more terrible than cut fingers. I am so thankful this tradition does not exist in Sundanese, because God created many beautiful women in it.

Another way to express grief at the Dani is by smearing the body with the mud of the river. Mr Herman show me a woman whose face full of mud-colored yellow stone burns during the ceremony, "Her husband had just died" said Mr Herman explains.

For families who are grieving, it is never to go away from the village. The period of mourning is only populated with itself languished. A week of two weeks or more. The next week was out the village, but the goal is not far. Done gradually until the sadness disappeared and was able to move normally again.

That compassionate manner sungkawa on Dani. So if I die, please you cut a finger

Indonesia Unique Cultures

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