Sunday, November 13, 2011

whips contest

Indonesia Unique Cultures

Indonesia is always full of charm and uniqueness of its culture. culture such as for example this one.
its precise local Sumberagung Hamlet, Village Bangle, District Kanigoro, Blitar in every dry season the residents in those areas often hold ritual whip fighting in the trust can rain and as a request to the creator, ritual whip contest is played by two people adult men with whips made ​​from a broom stick strokes of the comb thin and whip like cattle, the two men are fighting each other up the stage and whips.
Although many are injured due to hit the whip, no casualties or serious injuries fell. Therefore, the wound will heal quickly when it is touched by their martial arts teacher, who stood guard under the stage, this ritual has become a tradition handed down from their ancestors.

This event will be held until 17 days. Hopefully, during the show, it will rain. Participants who want to appear was quite a lot, ata daily average of about 70 people attended. Therefore, despite the 17 days before the rains, the event was immediately stopped, given the participants a lot.

Indonesia Unique Cultures

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