Saturday, October 22, 2011

Gambang Kromong

Indonesian unique cultures

Gambang Kromong (or written keromong xylophone) is a kind of gamelan orchestra that blends with Chinese musical instruments, such as sukong, tehyan, and kongahyan. The name derives from the name Gambang Kromong two percussion, xylophone and Kromong. The origin of the orchestra Gambang Kromong not be separated from a Chinese community leader who was appointed Dutch (Chinese captain) named Nie Hoe Kong (1736-1740 tenure).

Gambang Kromong, amounting to 18 pieces, usually made of wood suangking, riots rock, manggarawan or another type of soft wood sounds when struck. Kromong usually made of bronze or iron, totaling 10 pieces (ten pencon). Scales used in Gambang Kromong the Chinese pentatonic, which is often called the Chinese or salendro mandalungan. Instruments on the Gambang Kromong consists of xylophone, Kromong, gongs, drums, flute, kecrek, and sukong, tehyan, or kongahyan as carriers of melody.

The combination of the two elements of culture are visible also in the treasury of the songs. In addition to the songs that demonstrate the properties of native, like the songs Dalem (Classical) titled: Sweet Stand Centeh, Ms. Mas, Sugar Ganting, Semar Gunem, Sugar Ganting, Cape Bird, Kula False Nun, and the Rose Spill and so on, and Vegetable songs (Pop) entitled: Jali-jali, Stambul, Centeh Sweet, Surilang, Persi, Balo-balo, Akang Haji, Renggong Buyut, Snap Umbrella, Kramat Karem, Onde-onde, Wren Ngunguk, Lenggang Swamp Cabbage, Betel Yellow and so on, there are also songs that are obviously patterned Chinese, both the name of the song, the melody and the lyrics flow, such as Kong Ji Liok, Pat Sip Mo, Si Li Poa Tan, Peh Pan Tau, Cit No. Sha, Ma Cun Tay, Cu Te Pan, Teng Cu Cay, Cay Siu Cu, and so on.

The songs are sung in Gambang Kromong music is the songs that it is humorous, full of joy, and sometimes ridicule or teasing nature [1]. Traits of his songs sung in rotation between men and women as his opponent.

Gambang Kromong Betawi music is the most evenly spread in the area of ​​the Betawi culture, both in Jakarta area alone or in the surrounding area (Greater Jakarta). If there are more residents of the Peranakan Chinese in local Betawi people, there are more groups also Gambang Kromong orchestra. In North Jakarta and West Jakarta, for example, there are more number Gambang Kromong group than in South Jakarta and East Jakarta.

Currently there is also the term "Gambang Kromong combination". Gambang Kromong orchestra Gambang Kromong combination is a plus or tools combined with the tools of modern Western music as melodic guitar, bass, guitar, organ, saxophone, drums and so on, which resulted in a change from pentatonic to diatonic tunings without disturbing. It does not reduce noise Gambang Kromong own peculiarities, and the songs being played took place naturally and not forced.

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