Thursday, November 10, 2011


Indonesia unique cultures.

Basically, the Indigenous Peoples Wedding & Wedding Batak, contains a sacred value. Said to be sacred because the Batak Marriage understanding, meaningful sacrifice for parboru (the bride) because he "sacrificed" to give a human life is his daughter who lives with others paranak party (the groom), which became big later on, so that the men also have to appreciate the sacrifice / offering one's life also is to slaughter an animal (cow or buffalo), which then becomes a meal (traditional food) in the performance ulaon / Traditional Wedding it.
As proof that the meal / food customs are intact animal, the man must give up certain parts of the animal (head, neck, circular ribs, groin, buttocks with his tail still attached, Hatu, heart etc.). Section called Tudu-Tudu sipanganon (customary food mark), which became the later portion distributed to the parties who are entitled, as a sign of respect or legitimacy according to the functions (custom order) existence / presence in the custom event, called parjuhut.

Before the mission / missionaries came and the Batak still embrace religious traditions, ox or buffalo that this cut (at that time there has been no pinahan Lobu) not just be the best and selected by the datu. Perhaps this illustrates that the animal is an animal offered as a choice of sign / symbol of appreciation for the sacrifices these women. How to cut it too is not arbitrary, must once cut / slice the neck once a cow / buffalo and disakasikan parboru (usually borunya) if the cutting is done in place paranak (ditaruhon sell). If cuts in place parboru (dialap sell), paranak own herd bulls / buffaloes were alive parboru place. Meat of animals that is the staple food "parjuhut" in the traditional wedding ceremony (show it). Both the custom event is held in place paranak or parboru, food / juhut remains paranak that carry / present

If food without namargoar customary but not food however the food delicious and let rambingan many types makananannya it. Instead "Tudu namargoar/tudu- sipanagnaon" without "juhutnya" not namrgoar but "namargoar rambingan" purchased from the market. If this happens in places paranak meaningful "paranak" has been harassing parboru, if the funds in place parboru (dialap Jula) parboru own abusive himself. From observations of this kind of thing has happened twice in Batam, which shows how unlikely it is understood the noble custom.

The assumption events Customary Marriages & Marriage Batakrumit and long-winded is a misnomer, insofar as it held in accordance pemahamn and noble customs value itself. He is an advanced complicated and wordy because pamaham or be held according to taste.

Indonesia unique cultures.

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