Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Dayak burial process Maanyan

Indonesia unique cultures.

After one of the Dayak tribe then declared dead Maanyan, gong playing several times as a sign of one community member who died. Soon after local residents came to the house of the family who died while carrying donations for solemnization purposes such as pork, chicken, rice, money, oil, and others are in the Dayak language called nindrai Maanyan.

Some men went into the forest to fetch firewood and felling trees hiyuput (special trees gently) to make coffins. The whole wood was perforated with a pick ax or hatchet is designed like a boat but wear cap wear. In this case the body will be laid on his back, was named rarung coffin.
A person who is declared dead until his body was washed clean, then given clothes as neat as possible. The corpse was laid straight on a mat on which tensioned fabric bamban lalangit. Right at the end of the head and toe wall lamps or candles lit. Then the assembled relatives who died facing the corpse, then held retrieval tip of the hair, the nails, the tips of the eyebrows, eyelashes tip, and the clothing of the dead ends collected into one put into a place called cupu. All devices were called Rapu who at the time of burial of the deceased will be placed above the grave with a depth of approximately half a meter.

Exactly at 24.00 midnight corpses put in rarung while gong is sounded many times the term nyolok. At the time it will present wadian, pasambe, Damang, pengulu customs, head village, mantir and other relatives to face the inclusion bodies into rarung.

Pasambe charge of preparing all necessary equipment and supplies as well as for the dead that will be included with him into the grave. While on duty Wadian said all the advice and instruction to amirue (spirit / ghost) the dead are not lost on the trip and get to the new world. Wadian here also served to feed the dead with food that has been provided along with kinangan betel nut, tobacco and others.

If the narrative wadian has been completed it is time people take off the coffin to the cemetery. At the time of departure as relatives wept for love affection to the dead. Showed unwillingness to part but what has come to power tatau Matei and compassion and reason to remember all the good deeds of the dead while in the mortal world.

Indonesia unique cultures.

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