Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mepantigan – Balinese Martial Art - Mud Wrestling Made in Bali

Indonesia unique cultures

Mud Wrestling Made in Bali
The faint solar drown her round on the western horizon. Day started the night in mid-August. At the same time, in Sibang Kaja, Badung regency, Bali, was an activity is just beginning. On the ground muddy rice fields, the two men beefy Caucasians: Paul and Guy, ready to compete. Both bare-chested. And on top of their heads attached udeng (Balinese headbands). While the lower body, from navel to the feet, wrapped in parchment (Balinese sarongs).
For a moment kelian (Balinese language meaning the referee) gave orders, sign the match begins. Approximately one minute, two male Caucasians were then ngigel (Balinese language means dancing). A moment later, when the game begins, both fighters were seen trying hard slamming each other mutually. Two minutes struggling, Guy visible above the wind. "Bluug!" The voice sounded loud thump when Guy Paul managed to slam on the muddy ground.
Instantly, too, splashing mud splattered faces and clothing spectators seated around the arena. Especially the audience who sat in the front row. Although gross tekena brown stains, none of the angry crowd. They actually cheering Paul, who at that time to look funny. "Fight on, do not give up," shouted the audience cheering.
In the second half, Paul looked aggressive British citizen tried to slam rivals. But his hard work was wasted. Until the end of the second half, Paul had not yet managed to slam a rival who is also British nationality.
At the end of the game, two judges gave a clear victory for Guy. "Sports mepantigan this unique and fun," Paul commented.
That evening, Paul and Guy are two of dozens of foreign nationals who come into the championship participants titled? First Open Championship Mepantigan Bali?. International championship was held over two days, 15 to 16 August. In addition to participants from the UK, there are also participants from the United States, Switzerland, Australia, Denmark, Norway, South Korea, and Japan. Also, of course, the participants from within the country.
Generally, foreign participants are expatriates who have long lived in Bali and some foreign tourists in the country are familiar mepantigan, such as Denmark. "The high interest of participants mepantigan, especially foreign participants, be evidence that mepantingan potentially a sport that can be accepted globally," said Chairman of the Championship Committee, Putu Witsen Widjaya, told Gatra.
Mepantigan is the original martial arts of Bali. First introduced on August 15, 2003. Mepantigan name is taken from the language area of ​​Bali, which is pantig which means rock. So, literally, can be interpreted mepantigan slamming each other.
In general, sports mepantigan not much different from wrestling. Calculation system was almost the same value. Fighter who managed to slam the opponent gets a point value. The difference is, the media arena mepantigan more unique, the muddy rice field soil. Mepantigan match held two rounds and each round lasts three minutes.
Putu Witsen, mepantigan originator, explaining that mepantigan is a blend of sports, arts, and traditions. As typical, the fighters must use a traditional Balinese dress udeng and Kamen.
All instructions and game rules to use Balinese language. Classification of the contested class using the name of the fruit that grow in Bali, such as barking for a class of men 50 kg-58 kg and sabo or dark for a class of men 58 kg-65 kg.
The fighters compete to the accompaniment of gamelan music of Bali. "We use the language and music of Bali that have attributes that distinguish mepantigan with sports from other countries, like Korea's taekwondo or judo from Japan," said Putu Witsen.
At the time of the delay time with a game in the next game, spectators were treated to traditional arts, such as beleganjur gamelan, Balinese dance, and other artistic attractions. Long pause there was no clear time limit.
Meanwhile, the selection of a muddy rice field soil as the arena is not without meaning. Here there is the concept of Goddess Sri. From the past until now, the people of Bali known as Dewi Sri, the goddess of rice or a goddess of fertility. Therefore, before the game begins, usually a religious leader to lead the ritual in Hindu religion to pay homage to the Goddess Sri.
Dewi Sri and rice, according to Putu Witsen, very close to the life of the Balinese people. Understandably, Bali is known as an agricultural area, and fields to be instrumental in elevating the welfare of the people of Bali. ? Mepantigan want to raise the local wisdom that actually there all the time,? Bali said the man was born December 25, 1970.
Places mepantigan rated Head of Sub Area Promotion and Tourism Destination Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (ministry), Putu Ngurah, as a positive thing. Parties to any ministry, said Putu Ngurah, strongly supports that promote regional and local cultural traditions. "I hope, mepantigan art can be a sport that can suck tourism tourists come to Bali," he said. And of course it work the Visit Indonesia Year.

Indonesia unique cultures

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