Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gorontalo Traditional Wedding

 Indonesia Unique cultures.
 Gorontalo Traditional Wedding has own characteristics. Because the population of Gorontalo province has a population that is almost entirely converted to Islam, is certainly upholds the customs rules of Islam. For that there motto is always held by the public ie Gorontalo, "Adati Sareati hula hula - hula hula Sareati to Allah's Book," which means, Indigenous based by Personality, Personality based by Qur'aan. The influence of Islam became the unwritten law that governs all life Gorontalo based by Islamic society. Including customary marriages in Gorontalo highly nuanced Islamic. The procession of traditional marriage ceremony performed according to the appropriate stage or Lenggota Lo Marriage. The first stage is called Mopoloduwo Secret, which is where the parents of the men went to the residence of her parents to obtain the blessing of the marriage of their children. If both agree, then the specified time to carry out the proposal or Tolobalango.
Tolobalango is officially making a proposal which was attended by stakeholders and Indigenous Affairs Authorities of the family through a spokeswoman for the family man or Lundthu Dulango Layio envoy and spokesperson for women's families or Lundthu Dulango Walato, Submission of intent proposal rhyme-rhyme sung by the beautiful. The proposal does not mention the cost of Gorontalo Customary marriages (Tonelo) by the grooms family envoy, but most importantly express or Maharu Mahar and delivery of the event to be executed next.

At the agreed time in the event Tolobalango the next procession was led property or inter-dowry, called Depito Dutu Gorontalo area consisting of a package of dowry, a complete package of traditional cosmetic Gorontalo and modern cosmetics, plus a set of dress of the bride, and various fruit- fruits and herbs or dilonggato.

All of dowry is loaded in a vehicle that was decorated like a boat called the Kola - Kola. The procession was brought from the home delivery Yiladiya (residence / house king) grooms to the bride's house Yiladiya lacks the customary gendering and tambourine percussion accompaniment Tinilo group sang traditional songs that have been hereditary Gorontalo, which contains the flattery, appeals and the prayer of salvation in the home life of the world and the hereafter.

customary marriage Gorontalo On 3 nights before the Akad Nikah ceremony was held a series of engagement or Mopotilandahu night. The event was preceded by Khatam Quran, in the process meant that the bride has graduated or completed mengajinya by reading 'Wadhuha' Letter to Lahab. Followed by Molapi Saronde the dance performed by the prospective groom and the father or male guardian. This dance uses a scarf. Father and the groom in turn menarikannya, while the prospective bride watched from a distance or from the room.

For prospective groom is a means to look or peek at his future wife, the term in the Gorontalo area called Molile Huali. With this dance groom steal the loot of view to see the candidate. Saronde begins with marked beating tambourines accompanied by songs Tulunani composed his poems in Arabic which is also chant prayers for salvation.

Then the bride was accompanied by a companion show of traditional dances or Tidi Loilodiya Tidi Daa. This dance illustrates the courage and conviction to face the storm that will occur later biila menage. After Tidi danced the dance, the bride sat down again to the altar and the groom and his entourage customary holders and their families back home.

The next day Indigenous Stakeholders implement the Akad Nikah, as the top event where the bride will put together a legitimate role in the bonds of marriage according to Islamic Sharia. By way of a half squat and the prince pledged bridegroom Ijab Kabul and dowry has been agreed by both parties families. The event was then closed with prayer as a sign of gratitude for the smooth running of this marriage ceremony.


Traditional Wedding in Gorontalo is necessary to preserve, as it contains the value - the value of high culture. Indigenous Gorontalo is increasingly contaminated with the changing times. Look where - where marriages without passing again in Gorontalo Gorontalo customary procession. This is caused by several factors. Among them, many young people today are reluctant to learn the customs of marriage Gorontalo. So the heritage is increasingly forgotten, in the absence of regeneration successor lo Adati Hulondhalo.

For those of you who plan to marry Indigenous Gorontalo (lo Adati Hulodhalo) or Indigenous Limboto (Adati Limutu Lo) for a woman should be good at reading the Qur'an and dancing Tidi while for a man must be able to bring dance Molapi Saronde. Gorontalo area and outside the community who are interested in studying the culture and adapt Gorontalo marriage can come to TMII or open the official website of the local government of Gorontalo Province.

Indonesia Unique cultures.

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