Batak king and his descendants
Tarombo the Kings of Batak (genealogical lineage Batak tribes) starting from an individual named Raja Batak.
The slope of King Batak living in Pusuk Buhit, Sianjur Mulamula, his name. So that the area / slope Pusuk Buhit arguably the area of ethnic origin Indonesia, Batak, which then spread to various parts, both Indonesia and the world.
The Raja Batak (king of batak) has 2 (two) sons, namely:
Teachers Tatea Month (Naimarata)
King Isumbaon
Teachers Tatea Month has 5 (five) sons, namely:
King Biakbiak
Saribu King
Limbong Mulana
Sagala King
Glare King

Biakbiak King is the eldest son of Guru Tatea Month.
King Biakbiak or also known as Raja Uti not have offspring.
Saribu King
Saribu King is the second son of Guru Tatea Month.
Saribu King has 2 (two) sons born to 2 (two) wife. The first wife of King is Siboru Pareme Saribu who gave birth and the second wife of King Lontung Saribu Nai Mangiring Sea King is the King who gave birth Borbor.
King Lontung
King Lontung have 7 (seven) sons, namely:
Sinaga, lowering Sinaga clan and its branches
Situmorang, lowering Situmorang clan and its branches
Pandiangan, lowering Perhutala and King Sonang and its branches
Nainggolan, lowering Nainggolan clan and its branches: Hutabalian, Lumbanraja, Lumbantungkup
Simatupang, lowering Togatorop clan, Sianturi and Siburian
Arita, lowering clan Ompu Sunggu, Rajagukguk, and Simaremare
Siregar, lowering Siregar clan and its branches
King Borbor
Descendants of King Borbor forming clumps called Borbor unity consisting of clans Pasaribu, Coal, Harahap, Parapat, Matondang, Sipahutar, Tarihoran, Saruksuk, Lubis, Coal, Pulungan, Hutasuhut, Cape and Daulay. Meanwhile, Nai time Mangiring still alive, he and his brother-in-law (brother-sister Sariburaja), Limbongmulana, Sagala Lau King and the King made a covenant called "frontier" which states that "pomparan" them all, so-called "Borbor Marsada ". Here the derivative of Boru Pareme not participate.

Limbong Mulana
Descendants Limbong Mulana as the third son of Guru Tatea Moon, until now kept the clan Limbong.
Sagala King
Sagala descendant of King as the fourth son remained on the Moon Teacher Tatea Sagala clan.
Glare King
Glare as the youngest son of King Teacher Tatea Month lower Malau clan and its branches.
King Isumbaon
Isumbaon is the second son of King / Raja Batak youngest. King Isumbaon has 3 (three) sons, namely:
Mr. Sorimangaraja
King Asiasi
Cage Somalidang
Specifically the descendants of King Asiasi and Cage Somalidang until now not known for sure who their descendants. Some say, well Somalidang Cage Cage Sobaoa. The definition of "cage sobaoa" is actually a man but the inborn qualities of women, or effeminate. King is being said to roam Asiasi ("adventure") to Aceh.
Mr. Sorimangaraja
Mr. Sorimangaraja has 3 (three) sons, namely:
Mr. King Nabolon, born of Sorimangaraja wife, Nai Ambaton (first name, Boru Paromas / Boru Antingantingsabungan)
Datu Pejel / Masters Sorbadijae, born of Sorimangaraja wife, Nai Rasaon (first name, Boru Bidinglaut)
Mr. Sorbadibanua, born of Sorimangaraja wife, Nai Suanon / Nai Tungkaon (first name, Boru Parsanggul Haomasan)
Naiambaton (should / original Ambaton Nai) and Nairasaon (should / originals Nai Rasaon) not preceded by the word "King". Perhaps, that meant "king" is a MALE pomparannya. Because both the mother. So there should be an exchange where the syllable, not the "king pomparan naiambaton or nairasan" but should be a "king pomparan ambaton ni nai" or king pomparan rasaon ni nai "and so on. The word" Nai "in the original Batak language is dialing (a sort of" degree "). Because Nai said for a mother and says" Amani "for a father suggests that they go up a level in the social status of society in the sense of the mother and the father is concerned with day-to-day called the child's name first, separated from the male or female. But to the father, in front of the child's name, first they will be added "Amani", such as the TSB is the first child flower, then the father called a day-to-day, "Amani Flowers". While the mother's day-to-day called "Nai Flowers", because child- The first of the marriage they were both given the name of the Flowers. In the area / region p. Samosir this is considered very elementary, but very important in ethical speaking, communication and social-community everyday. People who call other people to call "degree", feel respect for the person and the person who will feel called upon to feel respected. For those of us who already live in the city, we are called by the name of our small, no problem. Another case with people back home who are still bound by old traditions from generation to generation . People in the village will feel plong, free, comfortable and not overwhelmed, when calling someone with a degree. The example above, Amani Flowers for the father and Nai Flowers for the mother.

The case of two names that were given koment above. Nai Ambaton ("panggoaran"), smaller names are the earrings Boru cockfighting / Boru Paromas (daughter of Master Tatea Moon, "mar pariban" / "sisters" with the Boru Pareme) first wife of Mr. Ompu Sorimangaraja (son of King Isumbaon ). Children who are born of the Boru Paromas / Nai Ambaton, one, named Mr. King Ompu Nabolon; but there are writers who gave his name Ompu Sorbadijulu sir. Mr. O children Nabolon here the Bolontua (Simbolon - entirely), Tambatua - gave birth to many clans, Saragitua - gave birth to many clans, and Muntetua - who also produced many clans. Estimation of current into the 70's clan called Parna (Parsadaan Nai Ambaton) "na boloni".
Was the second wife Sorimangaraja Bidinglaut Boru, who then "mar-panggoaran" Nai Rasaon. Gave birth to one child, named Datu Pejel; but some writers mention his name Ompu Sorbadijae sir. Her children were two, who were born at once in one "lambutan" named King and King Mangarerak Manage. Pomparan King Mangarerak whole clan is Manurung; while pomparan King Manage, is entirely clans Sitorus, Sirait and Butarbutar. Long story / "turiturian" behind the mention of these four genera.
The third wife is Nai Sorimangaraja Suanon / Nai Tungkaon, his first name is Boru Parsanggul Haomasan. In tarombo pomparan Tateabulan Teachers, various literature this name is not written. This mother gave birth to one child, named Mr. Sorbadibanua. From Mr. Sorbadibanua boys were born 8 children, no one's Bagotnipohan, its derivatives including "Hula-hula boy manjae" SBY, family Aulia Pohan. One more among the top 8 was no Silahi cockfighting, including Letjend (PRN) TB Silalahi, Watimpres members of SBY. One more of the eight it was King Sobu, the origin of clans Sitompul, the King Hasibuan then (in addition to still exist Hasibuan) lowers Hutabarat clans (the King Nabarat), Panggabean (again branched with Simorangkir), Hutagalung, Huta Toruan (ie forked clans Hutapea-Tarutung/Silindung & Lumbantobing). Note: there is also Hutapea in Laguboti, but has its own tarombo.
Indonesia Unique cultures.
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