Most tops are made of wood, although often made of plastic, or other materials. Wood carved and shaped up to be the body of a top. Strap tops are generally made of nylon, while the top rope traditionally made from the bark of trees. The length of strap tops vary depending on the length of the arms of people who play.
Tops from Japan

Movement tops based on the gyroscopic effect. Tops typically spinning staggered for a few moments until the interaction part of leg (axis) with the ground making it erect. After the tops spinning upright for a while, angular momentum and gyroscopic effect is reduced little by little, until finally the body fell to the ground roughly.
A variety of top names

Some regions have different terms to refer to a top. Community of West Java and Jakarta called gangsing or panggal. Lemur communities menamaninya Lampung, East Kalimantan residents call it begasing, whereas in the Moluccas called Apiong and in the West Nusatenggara named Maggasing. Only the people in Jambi, Bengkulu, West Sumatra, and Riau Islands Tanjungpinang calling a top. Maggasing name or well known community aggasing Bugis in South Sulawesi. While society Bolaang Mongondow in North Sulawesi region known by the name Paki tops. East Javanese call kazoos as chuckle. While in Yogyakarta, tops called with two different names. If made of bamboo called gangsingan, and if made of wood named pathon.
Top form

Spinner has a variety of forms, depending on the region. There is a rounded oval, some shaped like a heart, cone, cylinder, there is also shaped like a flying saucer. Tops consist of the head, the body and the feet (pivot). However, the shape, size danbgain tops, varies according to each area.
Tops of bamboo
Tops in Ambon (apiong) has a head and neck. But generally, tops in Jakarta and West Java only has the head and its apparent axis, made of nails or metal. While the top pivot Natuna, not visible.

Types of tops
Tops can be divided into a top penalty of sound, play and compete at contest.
Top game
How to play the top, it is not difficult. Importantly, top players should not hesitate when thrown to the ground kazoos.
How to:
Tops in the holding in his left hand, right hand while holding the rope.
Wrap the strap on the top, starting from the pivot to the body of a top. convolution strong while spinning.
Indonesia Unique cultures.
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