Monday, November 14, 2011

Adu Betis (mappalanca) - calf fight

Indonesia Unique Cultures

Adu Betis (mappalanca) is a game that ordinary people carried out by the people of South Sulawesi after the harvest. This tradition is a series of an annual party that is still held by the people of South Sulawesi, especially in Sub Moncongloe, Maros regency. The game is a match penalty calf calf strength shown by the men kicking each other by their calves. Anyone, young or old, can test the strength of their legs by way of entering the battle area is a circle. The match penalty calf is usually performed in the crowd and enlivened by the cheers of the audience.

Mad Bamboo Ritual - Maluku

Indonesia Unique Cultures

Mad Bamboo. Also called by the name of Mad or Bara Suwen Tubes. For the traditional rituals of Maluku, the required seven players man.
Before the game starts, players will first provide a bamboo suanggi with about 2.5 m long and eight centimeters in diameter. Then cut into seven segments that each segment will be embraced by a player. Besides bamboo, other equipment that needs to be provided is the incense or ginger. Incense is used when performing a big crazy bamboo, while ginger is used to show a little crazy bamboo.
However, in addition to seven male players, in the event there is also a ritual in which the handler is the handler's job was to burn incense on top of coconut shell while reciting mantras. Spell the spoken language, you would not understand because the mantra is spoken in the language of the Land, one of the traditional languages ​​of Maluku.

Ma 'Nene' Unique Ritual Of Toraja

Indonesia Unique Cultures

Typical traditional Toraja Ritual of the most famous is the Sulo signs. Signs Solo 'became one tourist attraction to the area. In addition to signs Sulo 'is, in fact there is a rare traditional rituals in Toraja, namely Ma' Nene '. Ceremony Ma 'Nene' is one of the activities of traditional rituals in Toraja, particularly in Baruppu, Rinding Allo North Toraja. Ceremony Ma 'grandmother intended to replace the late clothing, as the embodiment of love surviving family.

Typically, Ma 'Nene' held every August. When Ma 'Nene' progress, the coffins of the fathers, leaders and parents, kicked out of the tombs and stone canal and placed in the arena ceremony. There, relatives and the relatives had gathered. Slowly, they issued a body (whether that is still intact and living skeletons) and replace the clothes that inherent in the body of the corpse with a baru.Mereka treat the corpse as if it were alive and remain a part of a large family.

unique ritual passed rainy down with ojug

Indonesia Unique Cultures

There are different during the dry season arrives in the village of Klaban Bondowoso, East Java. Every dry season arrives, the village held a tradition that has been done from generation to generation to invoke rain. Tradition is tradition Ojug.

Ojug tradition that is a ritual to ask the rain is indeed a tradition that has long been done by the local community. This ritual begins with the Ancient Mask and dance performances Rontek Wulung Singo. Both of these dances is the opening of Ojug tradition.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ogoh Ogoh

Indonesia Unique Cultures

Ogoh-ogoh are statues built for the Ngrupuk parade, which takes place on the eve of Nyepi day in Bali, Indonesia. Ogoh-ogoh normally have form of mythological beings, mostly demons. As with many creative endeavours based on Balinese Hinduism, the creation of Ogoh-ogoh represents spiritual aims inspired by Hindu philosophy.
The main purpose of the making of Ogoh-ogoh is the purification of the natural environment of any spiritual pollutants emitted from the activities of living beings (especially humans). The forms of Ogoh-ogoh represent the Bhuta-Kala (Bhuta: eternal energy, Kala: eternal time), according to Hindu teachings. The imperceptible potentials of nature cannot be thoroughly explored by anyone. Philosophically, civilized men are required to manage the natural resources without damaging the environment itself.

cuting fingers

Indonesia Unique Cultures

When other women were busy hauling hot rock with a wooden bar that is cleaved, nousa (old lady) it seemed quiet. SHe was really eager to take part in this party, but it was no longer possible for her to raise a lot of things. Her hands were deformed, almost all of her fingers missing. If it is not a slice left thumb on both hands, then maybe a lot of people think it is not a pair of human hands.

Nousa fingers is a long history that tells the lonely of losing. About loved ones who left, leaving the nousa's own.

Defective hand it was something intentional. Called ikipalin (custom cut fingers), if there is someone you love die, then cut your finger one or two seeds. It represents a deep sorrow. The pain left to go until the proverbial tip of the finger. Instead of continuous pain, then it better be removed, cut with stone axes that are not too sharp, but can make the broken finger squeezed when hit

whips contest

Indonesia Unique Cultures

Indonesia is always full of charm and uniqueness of its culture. culture such as for example this one.
its precise local Sumberagung Hamlet, Village Bangle, District Kanigoro, Blitar in every dry season the residents in those areas often hold ritual whip fighting in the trust can rain and as a request to the creator, ritual whip contest is played by two people adult men with whips made ​​from a broom stick strokes of the comb thin and whip like cattle, the two men are fighting each other up the stage and whips.
Although many are injured due to hit the whip, no casualties or serious injuries fell. Therefore, the wound will heal quickly when it is touched by their martial arts teacher, who stood guard under the stage, this ritual has become a tradition handed down from their ancestors.